REFORMS: Corruption in the police force


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In a video dated August 7, 2024 on Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay's official TikTok channel, the Deputy Inspector-General of Police has warned against corruption within the police force. 

        At the same time the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) chief, Datuk Seri Shuhaily Mohd Zain had earlier reprimanded the OCPDs at a meeting about the issue of corruption within the police force. He has since made an indellible mark on the public after this video was published.

        If these two are promoted to become the country's IGP and Deputy IGP, there is at least hope that we will see a cleaner police force. Malaysia needs this very badly. 

        It is a known fact that many police officers are living beyond their means. Stories told by foreigners working in Malaysia can be heard over the grapevine how they were extorted by some police constables. A video that went viral how a British couple got away with RM 100 bribe has landed three cops in hot soup.

        Former IGP, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid bin Bador had also exposed a lot of corruption within the police force. However, the political situation during his era was not ripe for Abdul Hamid to shake up the police force. In fact, what the former IGP revealed did not shock the people, as this is already an open secret that everyone knew about. 

        Now, both the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar the king of Malaysia and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have given their clear directive to fight corruption to the very end. 
        The public must support this initiative spearheaded by the King and the Prime Minister. 

        Never has it happened before that in the news nearly every week, there are a number of cases. The "big" fish and the small fries are also netted in by the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission.  

        Senior police officers are also being charged for corruption. Ten traffic cops were recently arrested after the discovery of RM3,753 in cash in their possession.

        According to Ayob, many of the senior officers (see video above or Ayob's official TikTok channel) continue to receive corruption money even after their retirement. This has become a norm and the culture that even before his coronation, Sultan Ibrahim wants this "cancer" to be eradicated.

        More Malaysians must rise up to eradicate this cancer that has affected so many ordinary Malaysians. It is now or never! 


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