
YAB Datuk Seri, mari kita buat pantauan menggunakan contoh MBPJ bersama....

YBhg Datuk Bandar MBPJ   YAB Datuk Seri,           Ini adalah percubaan untuk memantau kemajuan kerja oleh salah satu majlis bandar raya terbesar di negara ini - Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ). Datuk Bandarnya YBhg Tuan  Zahri Samington.           Cubaan mengadu kepada Ahli Parlimen dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) memang gagal mendapat hasil yang positif. Kebanyakannya di Selangor tidak langsung peduli untuk menjawab aduan walaupun bergelar, "Yang Berhormat." Sekurang-kurangnya mereka mengarahkan ahli majlis mereka atau pegawai khas untuk cuba menyelesaikan masalah, itu pun tidak berlaku.          Jikalau Kak Wan dapat berbuat demikian , tidak ada sebab kenapa ahli parlimen dan ADUN tidak dapat berbuat demikian. SISPAA, tapi di mana integritinya?            Lupakan tentang aduan yang dibuat melalui SISPAA, di mana jawapan standard seperti "Penyiasatan sedang dijalankan" (Siasatan sedang dijalankan) atau "Tidak ada bajet tahun ini" (Bajet tidak

Spare some thoughts on these underground pipes

AT A TIME when a sinkhole appeared on Jalan Masjid India, followed by a second one that led to the disappearance of 48-year-old Indian tourist G. Vijaya Lakshmi from Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh on August 23, another sinkhole emerged in front of the Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) treatment plant in Wangsa Permai.           A nearby resident reported noticing a manhole forming in front of the treatment plant but did not investigate further, fearing that the ground surrounding the hole might collapse further.          My initial attempt was to only contact a few key people regarding the matter so as not to create an alarm. Sinkholes can and do happen any time due to pipe laying work. As I recall the incident where my former school principal Mr Yong Chee Seng's car took a nose dive down the bore hole at Jalan Universiti near Sin Chew, the depth of the bore hole for IWK pipe laying work must be at least 30 feet below the road level.           I am therefore not suprised that the two manholes t

Welcome to Jalan Palestin....

  The hue and cry over the Palestinian issue now is nothing but a hype created by propagandists who try to discredit Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.          This renaming of Jalan Raja Laut 1 to Jalan Palestine, was in fact during former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin's era. He was PM from  1 March 2020 – 16 August 2021.  The above article written by Ida Lim was dated Sunday 27 Sept 2020.           In October 2023, former prime minister Dr. Mahathir had given his 100% support towards Hamas. Why was there no big brouhaha over this in the past, and why only now?                    It is also obvious that this Hamas issue has brought together three political enemies in 2023 - Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yasin and Mat Sabu -- but why was there no hype over it? Why everyone is so worked up now but not back then? It's because some cybertroopers are working round the clock to leverage on this issue to target Anwar.          In an earlier post, I wrote 'Why All Hell Broke Lose?' : &q

Systematically Annihilating PMX ?

  It is with sadness that I share my observations on Malaysian politics, which seem to point to a concerning trend.           It's not that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is "perfect" or the knight in shining armour many Malaysians had hoped for.            As one gentleman put it, this is a choice between "the devil and the deep blue sea." Another person wrote: Who will be the Knight in Shining Armour then?           Trust me, keep my message, very soon, they will unveil the hero. It will not be Najib Razak, or Hadi Awang, or Muhyiddin Yassin. And definitely, not Dr. Mahathir Mohamad or Akmal Salleh.             They may choose a young leader to rally around and elevate in an effort to defeat Anwar and Pakatan Harapan.           It's worth noting that Chris Watson, founder of the Australian Labor Party, became Australia's youngest prime minister at age 37, but his term lasted only four months, from April 27 to August 18, 1904.           Once th

Let's be eagles, set our eyes to the sky and soar high

           Misinformation is aplenty but information like the above is hardly blasted out by the cybertroopers on social media.           As a result, people feel depressed. The country's economy is also dragged down as people are trying to save for the tough times.           During the 90s, the GDP growth was overheated, resulting in an increase in the bank interests. The interest rate, as I remember, breached the 10% rate.           People thought that the economy was doing very well. Spending was high, and market sentiments were good. Everyone thought Malaysia under Dr Mahathir Mohamad was an Asian Tiger until one man, George Soros exposed the fallacy.           Years later, when we look back, we realised that Dr. Mahathir had used the country's petrol money to build mega projects, many of which were unsustainable.            We are having to pay back in terms of tolls, bankruptcy and bailouts (e.g. his grand Perwaja Steel and his son's MISC), higher costs of maintaining