I woke up reading some analysis saying PH 2.0 will flop


I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media.

I woke up this morning reading a news report which appears more like a propaganda to me. 

         A bunch of university lecturers or so-called 'Analysts' claimed that PH 2.0 will be a flop. All the reasons were given, except one. 

        PH is at the moment going through a negotiation process. Before the goose lays the golden egg, it is obvious that Barisan Nasional would want to kill the goose first. 

        Whether Anwar will team up with other Opposition parties for now, I do not know. Whether political parties such as Warisan or Muda can be trusted or not, I cannot tell. As someone has put it, "Politics is the art of the possible. No permanent friends. Nor enemies."

        But, at least let the goose lay the egg first. There is no reason why BN can negotiate for cooperation with PAS and PN, but not PH. 

        This is the reality in political battles that you see especially in Malaysia. This is why the standard of our political commentators is really low. 

        I closed the page laughing to myself. Do you think I am that stupid to believe you guys? I think you have to produce better quality PhD students instead of getting involved in political comments. 

Read Dr Mahathir and the Sheraton Move, Why Blame it on PH?

Why is Anwar the target of cyber attacks?


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