I am optimistic about GE15

GE15, who will win the general election? 

        I have been saying time again that the state elections are not a gauge of the upcoming GE15. 

        That's why I never even bothered to follow the state elections, but of course, BN cybertroopers ---- and there are now many planted in all social media -- used it to try to swing back PH supporters back to BN. 

        This was what the big boss of a newspaper told me before GE14: that the Chinese and Indian votes have swung back to BN. I laughed. 

        GE15 cannot be gauged by the results in the state elections. In the midst of the pandemic, most "ordinary" voters like me would not bother to go all out, either to return from oveerseas or even Singapore to vote.

        The Johor election, for example, was carried out during the pandemic. If I recall correctly, the borders were still closed. BN won the state election, without increasing its popularity votes. What does that tell you? 

        Simple logic. While Umno supporters have a big stake in winning, PH supporters are waiting for the next GE to vote for the coaltion that they want to be back in power.

        Most of us are angry because this whole thing was engineered to cause the collapse a government that was elected by the people. 

        While people can accept crossovers such as Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he wanted to join force with PH, it is the betrayal of trust especially by 'friends' that people cannot accept. 

        That is one reason why people like Mahiaddin (Muhyiddin Yassin), Saifuddin Abdullah, Zuraida Kamaruddin, Rina Harun, and the whole lot will suffer from the backlash of what they did. 

        Dr Mahathir himself has already entered into obsolescence being criticised by people from both sides. 

        PH still has a good chance to win the GE, provided it sets up the big tent to include some of the parties in Sarawak and Sabah. 

        This is because the mor Najib Abdul Razak appears in his personal campaign as 'Bosku, Apa Malu?' the more people cannot associate themselves with the clown. Every time I hear that slogan, I say I want to vomit. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 

        The other reason is because people are fed up with BN for a long time. The performance by PN and current BN-PAS is not any better. In fact, the country needs fixing in many ways, and we know that PH was on its way to get things back on track again. 

        Finally, we have more Malays now who are silent protesters. Many do not know there are other fellow Malays who are angry with the way things are going, but as a Chinese, I get their feedback personally. 

        While we criticise PH lawmakers as well, we do it because we want them to back on track. But we all know that no party is perfect. As long as there are humans, any organisation will have all sorts of characters. 


        Read about the Sheraton move.

        Don't blame others but ourselves: A Coalition can only be strong when people support it.


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