No longer stateless at last!

        For those who are still skeptical of the unity government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, here is proof that, not only one or two cases have been approved, but current Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail is working very hard to resolve a longstanding issue on stateless people.

        I must give credit to both the minister and his political secretaries (present one, Tuan Yahaya Shaari and former one, Tuan Johari Kassim).

        In fact, one member of parliament told me that he has received 21 cases which he had applied on behalf of the stateless people. They were all issued citizenship, including a 77-year-old senior citizen.

       Some that I know had given up all hopes to apply for their citizenships because of the rejections received from the Home Ministry. Now the beacon of light has shone on them, thanks for the reforms under Anwar.

       Their status as stateless people has prevented them from realising their full potential. Some of them could have, in fact, contributed to the country's economy. 

        Many of these people ended up being unable to get a job, and even if some kind soul offered them a job, salary can only be paid in cash since they can't have a bank account. They have to find their way to the workplace using public transport. Even if someone provided them a motorcycle, they will not be able to apply for a license. 

Good News

        Today, another friend of mine received a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) asking him to be present with the applicant to receive the letter from the KDN. This is the same letter received by another person from Bentong and a mother with a 10-year-old daugther from my neighbourhood who have been granted citizenship. 

        Imagine the excitement on the faces of the parents and guardians of these stateless children who finally received their citizenship! It's a broad smile beaming with hope. The beacon of hope has suddenly shone on the again, thanks to the minister and his team of people, including the staff at KDN and the National Registration Department (JPN).

        Some of KDN and JPN staff should be more proactive in assisting the minister in carrying out his task, instead of putting a spanner on the gears that are now turning for the first time since the Kerajaan Madani took over. For example, how would you expect a senior citizen to know the name of the Agong when he has never had formal education? Even one lawmaker could not get the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong's (YDPA) name correctly, and had to apologise in parliament! 

        No Home Minister in the past has demonstrated so much dedication as Saifuddin Nasution to resolve this longstanding issue. 

        For that reason, the number of stateless people living in Malaysia was a huge problem even since the federal constitution was amended from Jus soli to Jus sanguinis on 31 Jan 1962.

        It will take a few years to resolve all the cases. Thanks to Saifuddin and the unity government for giving some consideration to the stateless people.

Stateless in their own country

        Place yourself in their shoes and imagine being stateless: you do not have the IC which is required for practical everything in life. 

        Things that you and I take for granted -- enrolling in a government school or a private university, applying for a passport to travel overseas, a bank account, a motor license, -- well, all these are beyond reach for the stateless person! 

        When they go to a public hospital for any treatment, they are being treated like foreigners. Malaysians only pay RM2 for regular outpatient treatment and RM5 for specialist consultation, but both stateless people and foreigners pay the full hospital fees uneless they are below the age of 13. 

        For this reason, being stateless in the country where you are born is really no joke. Now, you can understand why being given their citizenship brings great joy. The moment they get their citizenship, many of them may turn out to be very good workers, as they have lost many years of productivity due to their statelessness.

         So, for the sake of the stateless people, can we please sit back and be grateful that we do have good ministers in the present government? Allow them to do their job as the cleaning up process will take time. After all, the rot has set in for many years, it will take at least two terms for Anwar to get things fixed, before the country can leapfrog ahead. 

        Armchair critics are only good with their criticisms, but when asked to put their hands to the plough, they will come out with 1,001 excuses. 


Not only stateless people are given a new lease of life, even stray cats are given a proper shelter. When a country and its people learn to treat their animals with respect, its people can be considered civilised. Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sets the good example. Read this. 

Reforms expected in PDRM. Read this.


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