
Bosku, Apa Malu?

  I read this in a Whatsapp chat group but please scroll down to read what is glaringly missing from the message. The politician replied: "Well, just give me my money back then." The seller  said: "Can’t do that. I’ve already spent it." The politician said: "OK, then, just bring me the dead horse. The farmer asked: "What are you going to do with it?" The politician said: "I’m going to raffle it off to the people as a speed horse that can win the race" The seller  responded: "You can’t raffle a dead horse." Politician replied: "Sure, I can. Just watch me. You don't know the people, l will post wonderful pictures of a horse, I just won’t tell anybody it's dead. I will market it with propaganda and present him as capable of chasing criminals away" A month later, the seller met up with politician and asked: "What happened with that dead horse?" Politician replied: "I raffled it off. I sold 1million tick

Everyone Abandons Siti Bainun?

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. It is interesting that when Bella's case came to light, everyone, including the glamourous daughter of a former deputy prime minister denied knowing her.           In an earlier report I read, they were supposed to be shopping kaki together.           Siti Bainun is apparently someone well known within the Umno circle. I won't comment what I do not know, but there are several questions that I would like to ask:          Why did people in Umno immediately deny knowing her now that Bella's case has come to broad daylight? For once, there is a feeling of being ashamed of a fellow Umno member. That's sanity to say the least.          But, why suddenly so ashamed being associated with Siti Bainun when the court has yet to decide her case, but not ashamed to be associated with one who is already a convicted criminal  on two occasions by both the High Court and further up

Why does Siti Bainun even need 10 lawyers?

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. Recently, the case of Bella, a Down Syndrome child, caught us by surprise. A child of her age was supposed to be under the care of responsible adults; instead, she suffered from the way how the adults at the centre treated her.           This even caught the attention of the Tengku Mahkota of Johor. His Excellency had made a remark which I think is worth quoting:  " I don’t even have 10 lawyers. Whatever it is, this is just the beginning. Bella is a real hero, and I will help Bella as best I can. I will ensure that every child in the country is protected. The Malaysian government must amend the law to protect children.“           I have no way to verify this from the TMJ but at least, this is what appeared in a chat message.           Let's think back. Why would Siti Bainun need 10 lawyers to protect her interest? For a 30-year-old, she must be very rich to afford even one

Dr Mahathir and the Sheraton Move Gang, Why Blame it on PH?

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media I always find it amusing that the blame is always on Pakatan Harapan, when something happens which is not necessary in the favour of PH.          When a bunch of politicians betrayed the rakyat, PH was blamed for trusting Dr Mahathir Mohamad too much or for taking in Mahiaddin Yasin into the fold.           As someone has rightly put it, " Politics is the art of the possible. No permanent friends. Nor enemies," in politics, your worst enemies may become your allies, and your best friends for now, may become your worst of enemies.           Most of us who are watching the politics of the day know that something was already brewing in PKR with the so-called Azmin gang. People were already expecting them to exit PKR, but not sure when.           Such politicians have their own political ambitions, instead of the people's interest as their priority.           But what I fin

I woke up reading some analysis saying PH 2.0 will flop

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. I woke up this morning reading a news report which appears more like a propaganda to me.            A bunch of university lecturers or so-called 'Analysts' claimed that PH 2.0 will be a flop. All the reasons were given, except one.           PH is at the moment going through a negotiation process. Before the goose lays the golden egg, it is obvious that Barisan Nasional would want to kill the goose first.           Whether Anwar will team up with other Opposition parties for now, I do not know. Whether political parties such as Warisan or Muda can be trusted or not, I cannot tell. As someone has put it, " Politics is the art of the possible. No permanent friends. Nor enemies."          But, at least let the goose lay the egg first. There is no reason why BN can negotiate for cooperation with PAS and PN, but not PH.            This is the reality in political battle

Why is Anwar being attacked from every angle?

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. In a game of chess, the strategy is to bring down the King. Once you checkmate the king, the game is over.           Likewise, in the game of politics, the main target is always the leader. In Pakaran Harapan, for the past 25 years, Anwar Ibrahim has always been the key leader to fight for Reformasi and Keadilan.           It is not surprising therefore, the opponents will try to bring down Anwar. When Rafizi was once rising, he too was attacked. They attacked Kit Siang when he was helming the DAP, but when Guan Eng took over, Guan Eng was the focus of attacks.         How do they attack Anwar? They have used all sorts of strategies, including putting him behind bars. Anwar spent 10 years in jail. This was to limit his activities, but realising that his popularity grew during that period, they knew that jailing the Opposition leader would only serve the purpose of driving support

There are cyber troopers in every social media

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. What do you expect a regime that has been ousted in the last General Election? Of course, it will fight back. With plenty of money still there to splash, every attempt is, of course, to spend on winning the next general election. After all, what is the use of the stolen money if these people go to jail? Every attempt to sway the rakyat’s support from PH to BN would be done – and one of it is to penetrate the social media with cyber troopers. Hence, the civil society who are unaware can bet now that in every chat group there will be a number of cyber troopers. Some will stay there quietly and waiting for an opportunity to pounce the moment they see a weakness in PH. How do we know there are cyber troopers? BN once controlled the major print media in the country. Since no one really reads the newspapers these days, where do you think they would put their cyber troopers but