
Showing posts from July, 2024

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: Time for Malaysians to wisen up....

IT IS time for Malaysians to wise up after so many scams, frauds, and fake news have hit social media.           It's like the blind leading the blind. One reason why Malaysians, including myself, are easy prey for scammers, fraudsters, and fake news creators is because we are simply gullible.           We react to what we read on social media instead of thinking critically. Whatever appeals to our preconceived ideas about the world around us, we are likely to react rather than set aside and ask, "Is there truth in this?" Counter False Information           W hen I received this post, I was stunned. But, with the preconceived idea that officials often made all sorts of blunders in the past even in these kinds of announcements, without going to Facebook to check further, I forwarded it to people who needed to know so that any mistake made by RTM could be rectified immediarely.          Thankfully, the response from Fahmi Fadzil, our Minister of Communications, was prompt.

From keeping an eye for missing girl, what a breakthrough for PDRM. Bravo!

  They say credit must be given where it is due.          The Royal Malaysia Police deserves to be praised for acting coherently in the arrest of five suspects in a kidnap case in Johor Baru involving a 6-year-old girl. Let's pray that the girl has not been harmed.          The public also deserve the applause for providing the police with fresh leads. Without social media, many of us would not be aware of this case.           I am sure that the mother is relieved after the daughter has been found. Imagine yourself in her position, what would your first reaction to the phone call from the police officer, "Puan, your daughter is already found. She is safe in our care. Please come to ...."           We share in her grief, we now share in her joy! 

Cats for adoption

These stray cats at Sri Damansara near the wet market are mostly very tame.         There are Siamese cats like this pregnant mother cat. Its fur is beautiful. It is also very tame.            It really does not make sense to buy the cat when you can adopt the cats as your pets. Send it to the vet and have it checked. It will be happy to find a home where it is well-taken care of.          This is the objective of the Taman Kucing Madani at Bandar Tun Razak set up by its Member of Parliament, Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, wife of our Prime Minister.           Tonight, two teams of animal rescue volunteers came from Cheras to help pick up these stray cats. What prompted this "operation" was because one of the factory owners told us that some of the cats were found dead in the middle of the road.           What they needed is a place where they get treated by a veterinarian, and if there is an owner wishing to claim the cats, they can report themselves to the Taman Kuching Madani.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

MANY Malaysians desire a better country to live in but often overlook their own contributions.          As John F. Kennedy famously said in his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961: "Ask not what your country can do for you."           Instead of being armchair critics, shouldn't we provide constructive criticism or suggest ways to address issues? Don’t we have a duty to prevent the country from sliding further down?           Many people sit in their echo chambers, spewing negativity but never offering solutions or writing letters to the editor. Efforts to reform the country do not stop at the polling booth. Anwar Ibrahim, who led the Reformasi Movement, is now Prime Minister.         However, the burden of reforming the country shouldn't fall on his shoulders alone. Each of us has to do our part. Why? There is significant resistance to reform. Old habits die hard. When Anwar launched his anti-corruption campaign, many public servants taking bribes knew they had to

Why is Anwar NOT an extremist?

18 July 2024 PEOPLE HAVE been talking about Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as an extremist.            While I will not dispute that on certain issues he may be considered "extreme" in his views by some, particularly in his younger days, I will let you judge for yourself if his character is so extremist that he should be removed from office.           I am not naive. And, like most of you, I can see through some of the mischief. For example, not every child sits for 10 subjects in SPM; therefore, those who made it with all A's in eight or nine subjects would still be deprived merely because of the race factor.            The only difference is that I do not categorise him with the likes of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad or Abdul Hadi Awang.           I agree that it is time for Anwar to realize he is the Prime Minister of a multi-ethnic Malaysia, not just one particular race that he is forced to conform to.           In my opinion, h e must realign his policies to reflect what he onc

When Angels come knockng ....

NOT many people know that Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has a soft spot for her constituency -- including the stray cats!          I have just learnt today that Kak Wan, as she is fondly known to many, has set up a Taman Kuching Madani at Flat Sri Sabah, Kuala Lumpur.          Previously, when I informed her that a couple working as social workers faced rejection from the Welfare Department, she forwarded me a report received from her assistant without saying a word.           Most encouragingly, after her assistant Kuek Zhe Han looked into the couple's situation (unfortunately, the husband passed away due to cancer), the widow is now receiving monthly support from the Welfare Department.           This is why I always say that a member of parliament's role is to solve people's problems. Word will naturally spread when they work hard to address issues on the ground. Cats Dying, Help!           Just this morning, I informed Kak Wan about the plight of some 20 cats in Sri Damans

The Good People at Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living

AMIDST all the complaints about the cost of living, this is an interesting story of how the current Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living, Fuziah Salleh, helped solve a problem despite her busy schedule.          I  have known both Fuziah and the late Salahuddin Ayub (former Minister of Domestic Trade & Industry) for a number of years now. When both were appointed to Anwar's cabinet as Minister and Deputy Minister, I knew things would improve. Allow me to share my latest engagement with Fuziah before discussing Salahuddin's contributions to society. Mind you, Fuziah and I have never even met although  we have known each other for over 10 years now The Angel Responded           It was around 9 pm on July 4 when I sent a short message to Fuziah about the complaints I received from a fruit trader who owns two trucks with his brother. He mentioned that the price of diesel had gone up.           "By right, your trucks can qualify for fleet cards. Why do you s

When the Empire strikes back....

PRIME MINISTER Anwar Ibrahim has hit the nail on the head once again, with his call to the public, especially the youth movements to reject  corruption, abuse of power and oppression.          Because corruption is a major issue in the country, and the Opposition knows it, they are doing their best to topple Anwar. Most people I have spoken to before the formation of the Unity Government chose not to support Anwar because they knew this was coming.           In fact, before the last general election, they were telling me that they would rather vote for Perikatan Nasional than to vote for Anwar.          If you have watched Anwar: The Untold Story  ( <= to watch, click the link ), you will realise that as early as the late 90s, the rumours had already been going around that if Anwar took over the premiership some day, he would fight against corruption in the country.          It took him 25 years before we see this fight against corruption, nepotism and cronyism being unfolded. For t

Positive or Negative Reports?

Let's be fair. Every country has its strengths and weaknesses.           Singapore may be looked upon highly by many Malaysians, but Singaporeans themselves tell me that their country is far from perfect. The hue and cry over the C.O.E.  reminds us that Singaporeas did not like the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew for introducing the Certificate of Entitlement. Because Singaporeans have to pay so much just for a piece of paper if they wish to own a car, many have give the C.O.E the bad name using its  Hokkien version, which literally means, 'Die for him.'           When several people were asked whether Corruption is a culture, there were different responses. This is a matter of perception. Watch this video when you have time, as it is a 30-min recording. Be Fair and Keep an Open Mind                    Same with Malaysia. While there are negative reports about Malaysia's   global   standing, please assess these reports as well.                     Ask yourself this question: "

Who are the people you claim to represent?

MOST OF US do not need Opposition leader Hamzah Zainudin to voice our concerns as they have nothing to do with the rationalization of diesel subsidies and the proposal to privatize Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd.           Hamzah should acknowledge that the "hate politics" we see today is the result of a clueless Opposition that continues to spew out all sorts of negativity instead of spending time to carry out research, unlike former lawmakers such as Rafizi Ramli and Dr. Ong Kian Meng.           Much of today's politics played by PAS and Bersatu is based on false accusations and the exploitation of 3R (race, religion, and royalty) issues to fish for votes.            Most non-Muslim voters are fed up with Perikatan Nasional, including its president, Mahiaddin Yasin, who has yet to explain where his son-in-law is currently hiding. Within less than two years of becoming the country's prime minister, Mahiaddin has a number of pending court cases.           With nothing

Anwar is clueless about how to run the governemnt: how true is this statement?

  Spy for Russia, the US or China? Maybe, a spy for Israel, too? Malaysians have to think more critically and not easily influenced by all kinds of propaganda  FROM THE accusations of being a spy for Russia, and a secret agent for the United States of America and Israel, and of course, for China as well, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim spent ten years of his life in prison -- once, during former prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad's premiership and a second time, when Najib Razak was prime minister.           Now that he is Prime Minister, the attacks can only intensify. Within 100 days, a pundit wrote that Anwar did not have a clue on how to run a country. This, coming from a media owner which went bust, is something laughable.           But, what he said seems to be repeatedly said by many people -- or rather, to be more precise, by cybertroopers who are trained to carry out pyschology warfare -- in order to topple Anwar as the country's tenth prime minister.           After all