
Showing posts from May, 2022

Welcome to the City of Venice!

  Welcome to the city of Venice!          Ooops, for some reason, I forgot that this is indeed the city of Kuala Lumpur where I have grown up as a child, and now, mourn over its gradual demise as a liveable city.           Here, skyscrapers rise to the sky to fulfill the ambitions of politicians who want to leave a legacy for themselves (in the process the cronies have their pockets filled with cash), but the city has become another eyesore to the world.           Tourists would not want to visit Malaysia during the monsoon season. When tourists do not turn up at our doorsteps, businesses will suffer.           We know that there is only one thing certain whenever it rains: we have to get ready our gondolas and manouvre our way through the rivers of Venice.            Knowing Malaysians with their driving habits, there will be massive gondola jam all over th9s world class city of Kuala Lumpur (or, at least we have been told by self-serving politicians).  Download the App: 'Gondola

We want Malays who are progressive

  I sent this video to a Malay friend of mine and surprisingly, his response was: "No BN. Enough is enough."           My response to him was:  " We want Malays who are progressive so that we can progress as a nation and (together, with out combined skills and talents) compete with the rest of the world. Someone like Syed Saddiq gets the thumbs up because he represents the progressive Malays.  "In the past, Umno used to equate the Chinese with DAP, babi or communists. Now the narrative no longer works. Even May 13 has not been successful as we all know now who were the gang of three who created the tragedy and why they did that to achieve their own political agenda." Just to recap some of the things you may have heard or read in the past: (1) In the past, a number of narratives have been pitched against DAP and the Chinese. None of these narratives are being played up again, especially after the Malays begin to realise that it was nothing but Umno and BN polemi

A Message to the Business Community: Return of the Titans?

  Malaysia is in danger of a backlash by the return of the Decepticons.           But the question is: Can we afford the return of Umno and its current batch of leaders?           What if they were just the red herrings -- Najib Abdul Razak or Zahid Hamidi will after not become the Prime Minister; instead, another Umno leader such as former Menteri Besar of Negeri Sembilan, Mohamad Hasan or former Minister of Higher Education, Mustapha Mohamad?          Well, the question is: would they survive? Or would they end up being slaughtered just like Abdullah A. Badawi? After all, the good moderate politicians can hardly survive in Umno politics, where the warlords are many.          The country is already going through a tough time. In March this year, Finance Minister, Tengku Zafrul Aziz said that the country still needs  another RM17 billionto repay 1MDB’s total outstanding debt. No thanks to Najib and Jho Low, a  balance of RM38.8 billion has yet to be repaid.          Because of BN's

I am optimistic about GE15

GE15, who will win the general election?           I have been saying time again that the state elections are not a gauge of the upcoming GE15.           That's why I never even bothered to follow the state elections, but of course, BN cybertroopers ---- and there are now many planted in all social media -- used it to try to swing back PH supporters back to BN.           This was what the big boss of a newspaper told me before GE14: that the Chinese and Indian votes have swung back to BN. I laughed.           GE15 cannot be gauged by the results in the state elections. In the midst of the pandemic, most "ordinary" voters like me would not bother to go all out, either to return from oveerseas or even Singapore to vote.          The Johor election, for example, was carried out during the pandemic. If I recall correctly, the borders were still closed. BN won the state election, without increasing its popularity votes. What does that tell you?           Simple logic. While Um

Anwar and Najib may be having a teh tarik after the debate...

  While discussing about the Anwar vs Najib debate, someone made a remark, " Sometimes I could help but to think these politicians were putting up some stage play and behind the scenes, they happily minum teh tarik & laughing at the rakyat's gullibility."           My reply, of course, is: "Why not?"           In fact, I have been saying this since pictures showing Jibbi and Anwar having coffee together in the lounge.           Again, my qeustion is: "Why not?"          Why not? Do you want our politicians to wield their axes at each other in parliament outside? That kind of thuggish behaviours would turn the country into an anarchy.           These are supposed to be lawmakers. They are supposed to fight out in the august house before a law is passed. This is so that when a law is passed, the Hansard would at least put on record that the Opposition had done its job in resisting the law.           For example, in 1962, the Federal Constitution was

Will the Anti-Hopping Law be passed?

  Citing a video clip, a friend said: "If the anti-hopping law is not passed, no point in going out to vote!"         My answer:  No, to vote is OUR duty as citizens. If we choose to vote, we are choosing to give the country to the pirates of the Caribbeans. By hook or by crook, we have to throw Captain Crook off the deck into the big ocean.          My point of argument : Well, at  least the chances are better that we will be able to put the country back on track by having the right people, than totally losing this country into the hands of the kleptokrats again.         Would Anti-Hopping Law be Passed?  Who made you think that the anti-hopping law would be passed? When Pakatan signed the MOU with Ismail Sabri Yaakob, they know that the Anti-hopping law would not be passed. It was just a gentleman's way to show the rakyat that PH wants the anti-hopping law to be passed, and at the end of the day, they can use it during their campaign.         Why would Umno want to pass

I think Umno has lost its moral bearing

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. Something is desperately very wrong when you have a leader who has been convicted, yet you can shout, "Apa Malu, Bosku!" as though he is a celebrity in your midst.           Just  ask some of your friends from overseas if they know who the US Department of Justice was referring to as Official No 1 in the 1MDB scandal, they will just smile.           News has flashed across the world that the DOJ was referring to Najib Abdul Razak.           When people can shout, "Apa Malu, Bosku!" (what is there to be ashamed, my Boss), it makes feel uncomfortable when their political party can win the coming general election.           A party that runs the country when it has lost its moral compass will only lead the country to both moral and financial bankruptcy.           If we care enough for the country, we would not want to go down the path of  Sri Lanka. Our brothers and

Be Honest with Yourselves

  I feel compelled to write a series of short articles based on all my observations in the social media. To be honest, I have always wondered why "Pakatan Harapan supporters" (better known as BN Cybertroopers) criticise PH for all its failure, but stop short of criticising Barisan Nasional.           They will tell you that PH is weak, and will not be able to win the General Election because it is split and diunited.           To these people I always say, "It's a chicken and egg situation. Look, PH (or BN, for the matter) is like a balloon. You pump Helium gas into it. It gets inflated, and you will see it take off into the air."           If no air is blown into it, the balloon will remain just flat. Therefore, to criticise that PH is weak, it is just a reflection of one's own lack of commitment to go for change.          Because you choose not to give PH your support, that's why it is weak. It is just as simple as that. Read:  Apa Malu, Bossku?